4×4 White desert Castillejar Galera Route. East Granada´s Geopark 1/2 Day


From Galera, heart of the North of the Geopark of Granada, we will leave by dirt tracks and secondary roads following the course of the river Guardal and its exuberant plain, privileged oasis surrounded by immaculate badlands. At Los Carriones we will leave the valley to go to the highlands where the espartales and the steppe areas sublimate us with their landscapes now barren but source of life in times past. This is undoubtedly why Benito Zambrano chooses these arid landscapes as exteriors of the award-winning Intemperie. Places like the Cueva de los Amos or the Cortijo De Ros, will surprise us with their caves and ravines. Unique Geosites worldwide known for their formations as the Seismites of Galera will be the climax to understand how the geology of our Granada´s Geopark has been modeled over the last 8 million years.


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Ficha técnica

Lugar: Galera-Castillejar- Benamaurel
Fecha ideal: All year around.
Dificultad: Easy
Duración: 1/2 Day
Ratio guía/cliente: 1/6 personas
Reserva mínima (pax): 1 persona
Accesibilidad: Contact us
Mascotas: Yes
Precio: Desde 60 €/persona
Equipamiento necesario: Sunglasses, camera, sport shoes, confortable clothes.
Servicios incluidos: Pick up and return,R.C. insurance and assistance insurance, cold drinks on tour, binoculars, maps, fauna and flora book guides….
(*)Goyo Garrido Adventures se reserva el derecho a posponer o cancelar la actividad en caso de lluvias torrenciales u otras condiciones climatológicas extremas.

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