Bicycle routes


Dare to discover the geopark on different routes through the Desierto de los Colorados or the Miradores del fin del mundo and the valley of the Cuevas Fortaleza Medievales.
If you make your own route, our team will assist you with your luggage, food, accompanying you to the accommodation and whatever you need!


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Enchanted Forest of Lugros

The botanical jewel of Sierra Nevada National Park. Intermediate: 12 kms, 4 hours Advanced: 22 kms, 7 hours Technical report Period: All year around Difficulty:...

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Trevenque and Dilar Gorge

Enjoying of amazing views over the summits of Sierra Nevada and the city of Granada. Advanced level only: 19 kms, 8 hours Technical report Period:...

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Ficha técnica

Fecha ideal: Todo el año
Accesibilidad: Consultar
Mascotas: Si
(*)Goyo Garrido Adventures se reserva el derecho a posponer o cancelar la actividad en caso de lluvias torrenciales u otras condiciones climatológicas extremas.

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